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      Doctor Who — doctor who memes

      When is the Moon not the Moon ?

      50 years ago today, humanity went further into space than ever before: one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.

      The moon is our steppingstone into the wider universe. The Doctor's a frequent visitor, with notable serials set on the natural satellite including The Seeds of Death (1969), Smith and Jones (2007), and Kill the Moon (2014). He even hijacked NASA's signal in The Impossible Astronaut/ Day of the Moon (2011) to defeat the Silence.

      Admittedly, the Silence did successfully blow up the TARDIS, as depicted in Van Gogh's painting – an image captured on our The Pandorica Opens Gloves and Silk Scarf. Still, he managed to reboot the universe, save his Space-Time Ship, and make it to Trenzalore, so we'll call it a draw.



      We Want to See Your Selfies with Doctor Who Stars!

      Even the emotionless Cybermen can't resist smiling while having their photo taken with the Doctor and Missy!

      Have you met any Doctor Who stars recently? Did Tom Baker try on your Fourth Doctor Scarf? Was Peter Davison impressed with your Fifth Doctor Jumper? Did you meet Peter Capaldi on-set and shelter from the rain under a TARDIS Umbrella? We love seeing your pictures so get in touch on Facebook or Twitter!